Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fatty Patty

Today is Day 1 of my journey back to the gym! I got up on the bright and got my booty to the gym by 6 am! For those of you who know me what a feat this really is, i LOVE me some sleep! In the months prior to getting married, I was a gym rat and a work horse. I had to fit into my dress and look good for the honeymoon! I would be at the gym in the am, at lunch and sometimes toward the end even after work. I was dedicated to looking my absolute finest. While I feel like I looked my best, I without a doubt burnt myself out. After a 2 week break due to the wedding and honeymoon, I was anything but motivated to return to the has gotten to the point now where i feel like this lady below......

I have a few friends that are now pregnant, which I couldn't be happier for them. But i without a doubt feel like I would have to wear this lovely shirt while standing next to them to help the general public decipher between us. ......

Now don't get me wrong, I in NO WAY want to look like these gems! I love fitness, I love feeling healthy and looking my best, BUT i DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT, want to be greasy, manish, and a dirty orange/brown color to look hot. That is my idea of me crazy I know! ;)

My ideal image would be that of the LOVELY Jessica Biel. She is beautiful, toned and fit. Perfect muscles for a girl. She can kick some serious butt, but doesn't look like she might be packin heat! :) I have decided to get back on the band wagon of fitness. I love looking fit and feeling that way too! It really is just so hard to do all by yourself! I wish I had a gym friend that would help me stay accountable and drag my butt out of bed on the days I just can't seem to get going! It would be ideal, but not realistic. I have come to grips with the fact that I alone am in charge of my health, fitness and well being. Muscles won't tone themselves and all my lovely dimples and trouble areas won't go away no matter how many times I swear at them in the mirror! So this is me, brooke bakken, stating that I will take care of myself, and help myself to feel beautiful and strong like I know I am capable of being!

Look at her BUTT! Power booty here I come!!


  1. I'm proud of you for getting up so is super hard getting motivated again. Those pics are too funny! I would totally be your gym buddy if i lived closer :)

  2. Bahahahh I LOVE this! You must have read my mind! I feel like this post came right out of my mouth! I wish you lived in SLC, then we could be the greatest gym buddies in all of Utah. Oh boy do I have my work cut out and doing it alone is no fun! Especially when we are headed into winter weather, and not swimsuit summer weather!

  3. LOL!! I absolutely LOVE you! I have a killer booty exercise that I will share with you and I think it actually works :)
