Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Mooshy Moment

Apparently after becoming a mom, I have become quite the moosh. I cry (ALL THE TIME) when I am watching Biggest Loser....I am so sad/happy for them. I cry when the little one gets shots or blood drawn (seeing him scream in pain is NOT awesome). But yesterday was a new one for me. I cried while looking at pictures of Brady and our little family. (I might even be crying now just thinking about it...NBD)

I don't even know if I can adequately describe in words what is in my heart for this little guy and his daddy.
Michael came into my life when I least expected it, and I guess it was only fitting that we got pregnant
when we least expected it. Although I had 10 months to prepare for baby bear's arrival, I was not
prepared for the overwhelming feeling of love that would come over me and has only become 
stronger since that day he arrived. The love a wife has for her husband and the love a mom has for her
child, although different, has changed my life forever. In Michael, I have a loving and amazing partner
in life. He loves me for who I am, and looks over my imperfections. He balances me out and helps me
strive to accomplish my goals and helps me when I fall along the way. I love the way his warm hugs can
melt away a bad day and put a smile on my face. I love the way he calls me beautiful, when all
I can see is what I am not or what I am lacking. But what I love most is seeing the way Brady smiles
at Daddy when he says good morning or walks in the door from work. It's amazing to see his whole face
light up, because that's exactly how I feel too. Michael makes me light up inside.

Speaking of lighting up, doesn't this smile just make you want to smile?
These were the 2 pictures I was looking at yesterday that made me seriously mooshy.
We had some family pictures taken by the fabulous Tiffany with ElizaJPhotography.
Like I was saying earlier, I was not ready for the amount of love I was about to feel for this new
life that I had created. I knew I loved Michael, but the love you have as a mother for your babies
is something nothing can compare to. I love Brady with all my heart and I cannot imagine my life
without him in it. I love everything about him. I love the way he coos in the morning
when he is playing in his crib after a full 11 hours of sleep :)
I love the way he is crammed into the corner of his crib, when every night we put him down
dab smack in the middle of his bed. (I really wish I could see how he gets into the positions
he wakes up in....I need a night vision camera over his crib)
I love the way he sticks his tongue out all the time and jabbers on and on and on.
I love the way he DEMOLISHES his baby food at night....we are currently averaging 7 oz. mixed
with a truckload of rice cereal....and then add on an 8 oz bottle right after bath time. The kid is a beast!
I love the way he is obsessed with Mickey's clubhouse and "The Hotdog Dance"
I am just about obsessed with his laugh and how easy he is to make laugh.
I could tickle him for days just to listen to him laugh...I fear it sounds just like mine.
I love the way he cries when I leave the room...don't worry pal mom will always be there!
I love how he puts everything in his mouth...from fingers to toes, to remote controls to cell phones,
he loves paper towels, paper bags, basically if he can grab's goin in the mouth!
I love making farting noises on his belly and watching him scream with delight.
I love the way he smiles at the crazy cat. He LOVES to pet her and feel her fur. (She not so much )
I love the way he rubs his eyes when he gets tired and mom knows that means bedtime.
I love the way he wants to always stand on his own. I hope that means he will be independent when
he is older and know how to stand on his own, when others around him won't.
I love the way when he is on my lap that he grabs my face. 
Random...but I love his face when he is pooping. He gets SUPER serious and quite and concentrates,
makes the big push then is ALL smiles.
I love the way he plays in the bath and is so entertained with simply a washcloth and his manhood :).
I love the way when I put him down for bed, he is actually excited for bedtime and loves to snuggle
his blankie to his face and roll to his side to go sleepy.
I love this kid and he has captured my heart in an instant. Just looking at simply a picture
makes me instantly and eternally grateful for this wonderful gift that has been given to me.
I can't wait for that day I get to hear, "Mommy, I love you"
I most likely will cry then too.

To Brady and Michael:
You have changed my life. 
I love you forever plus a day!


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