Monday, January 10, 2011


Brady met Santa for the first time this year. NBD. He just sat there like, "Big whoop Mom"!
I guess I expected him to cry because that's all you see are babies crying. 
And that's all Kaitlin ever did every year! Bahahaha...just thinking about that makes me laugh!!
Brady was a good boy but not quite a big gummy grin...maybe next year!
He however, LOVED his Santa PJ's (oh and don't worry that they were size 12M)
So I think Santa was a hit in our house this year.

Lovin' his PJ's and Jumper

This was the face we got when we told him we were going to meet SANTA!

So we put our "Santa like me best" T-shirt and our favorite sneakers and made the trip....
Side note...notice how he smiles and sticks his tongue out a lot...that's his new thing!

Just a lil' FYI....I swear this is the ONLY Santa in Utah that ACTUALLY
wear a Santa suit and hat!! Every other Santa is in his "workshop" suit...
Lucky for us this fabulous Santa was at the mall right by our house.. Thank you PTC!!

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