Brady up until Saturday has belly flopped every time he tries to crawl or reaches too far for something.
I was telling grammies that i really think he just might be waiting for her to come up so she can
be apart of more of his "First's". And of course I was RIGHT! Sure enough first thing Saturday morning,
we go downstairs to play and my mom sits Brady down and then teases him with a toy,
and what does he start doing? SCOOTING! First time EVER. We are getting pretty good now after
scooting for 2 days straight! I predict he will be crawling by the end of the week with Grammies here
to witness it first hand! I actually am so glad she was here to see it!
Brady also thinks that Grammies is quite the character...listen to that laugh!
I am so happy to have my mom here for a whole week and a whole new batch of firsts!
First scoot, first crawl (hopefully) and B's first Easter!
We are so blessed! We had such an amazing weekend! It already is flying by way too fast!