Monday, March 28, 2011

Bedtime and Crawling

So every night we have started a routine of feeding Brady his big boy food, then it's off to the bath (he gets QUITE dirty) and then we say our family prayers and I then feed B a bottle (although most nights he refuses) and then it's bedtime for bonzos. P.s. no idea where or when I started saying that or even why, but I do.  All last week Brady was quite the handful to say the least! Tooth #6 has been a doozy and I even went to get him early from daycare one day because he was such a handful. But Friday night after the bath and after some meds, both Ibuprofen and orajel...we got him to laugh and play with us. Normally I don't like when Michael gets him all excited before bedtime, but I couldn't help myself. The poor kid was miserable all week so some giggles were in order. Daddy did the trick. Michael smiles at Brady the kid laughs. So tickles get lots of laughs. Notice how he TRIES to drink the bottle but it's just not working!

Then yesterday was a pretty lazy, relaxing day and I did a little research on how to get my kiddo to crawl. I know he wants to but we just aren't quite there yet! I have tried coaxing him with food and toys but yesterday I tried the kitty. He LOVES Lucy and laughs and screams every time she comes around. I find it adorable.
So like I said, I tried getting him to crawl to the kitty of I held her such luck. But it sure
was funny watching him laugh and giggle and kick his legs as if he were swimming! Maybe we have a Michael Phelps in the making and he will learn how to swim before he walks! :) 


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